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Mackenzie Bowell


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  • Gen. Set Precedent On Dual Citizenship online edition -- Dec. 8 states that former prime ministers Sir John A. Macdonald, Alexander Mackenzie and Mackenzie Bowell held dual citizenship since they were born in Britain and then emigrated to Canada.

    Daimnation!: They did not swing both ways 2006

  • Mr. (later Sir) Mackenzie Bowell succeeded him (Dec. 21).

    1894, June 23-July 10 2001

  • Since Mackenzie Bowell, Canada has never had a Premier so naturally oblivious of sartorial style; though his later appearances suggest that even he has fallen into the mode of well-dressed Premiers.

    The Masques of Ottawa Domino

  • Sir John was a faithful son of the church, with an immense influence with the clerical authorities; he was succeeded in the premiership by Sir Mackenzie Bowell, ex-grand master of the Orange

    Laurier: A Study in Canadian Politics 1905


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